Sunday, December 5, 2010

Crosby the Cowboy

Crosby stumbled upon a group offering horse and pony rides. His parents thought he would only be petting the horses, but Crosby had bigger plans.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thanksgiving in Brewster

 As always, a trip to Brewster meant time on the beach, and Crosby loves that. 
 Clearly. He has also taken to throwing big, toothy smiles at whoever has the camera. His "ham-i-ness" is expanding.
 Crosby was so happy to share quality time with Nana, especially when Nana braved the 40mph winds that were buffeting the beach and churning the Bay.

 More of those toothy smiles, with a side of Cheerios. 
And of course, more cuddle time with Nana.

Friday, November 5, 2010

November on Cape Cod

 It was chilly on the beach, but such will be the theme until spring warms us back up. Sophie and Crosby enjoyed the jaunts on the beach, even if it was gusty.
 Just a few minutes from Crosby's Cape house there are three fun play sets. Crosby takes on the slides by himself, and charges back up the stairs for another round.
 On a stop by the local "zoo", Crosby picked out a Thanksgiving treat!
One of Crosby's favorite morning activities is feeding Sophie breakfast. He carefully pours the cup full of food in her bowl, puts the cup away, and then flips her bowl spilling breakfast everywhere. This happened to be Sophie's 7th birthday breakfast. 

Halloween Lives On

Crosby went from hating his costume to lounging around the house in it. You have to love those ears!

Monday, November 1, 2010


Crosby cruised around campus on Friday trick-or-treating with his day care buddies. His Dumbo costume was a big hit, and he even remembered to sign "thank you" to each person who gave him a treat.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Crosby and the Cows

Crosby and his parents ventured down to the local farm to hang with the bovines. He met Butch, the farmer, and was invited to return whenever he wanted. Crosby also made a special friend! While all the cows wanted to come and say hi, the big guy, pictured center above, wanted to meet Crosby and show off his special horns. Crosby continued on to see the ducks and the pigs, along with the feisty cows across the road.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Fall on Mt. Pocumtuck

The foliage has peaked, the sun still holds some warmth, and the Fays had some free time. What better to do than plod about the hillside.

Dads and Kids Cookout

On a gorgeous fall day, Crosby, his Dad, and several of his best friends hiked up the ski trails to Creelman Hut for  Dads and Kids hot dog roast. Crosby cruised around the cabin enjoying snacks, climbing and jumping, the camp fire, his friends, and even stopped to take in the sunset.

Monday, October 11, 2010

A Trip to the Butterfly Museum

Nana came to visit and Crosby went with Mama and Nana to the butterfly museum. While the other kids were just as fascinating as the butterflies, Crosby loved exploring all the nooks and crannies of the museum. One day we'll even explain what those turtles were doing!

Columbus Day Weekend

A crisp fall weekend - 60 degrees, bright blue skies, and a northerly breeze - this is what Cape Cod in October is all about. Still warm enough to be barefoot at the beach, but sweaters mandatory. Crosby was very excited to see the beach again, no matter how cold his hands became. His teething pains and runny nose were quickly forgotten as he charged after Sophie and saw his first sunfish!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Crosby enjoys the late September beach

Traveling along with his Mom and Dad, who were running a field trip with their 7th graders, Crosby was excited to be playing on the beach throughout the final weekend of September. Not only did the Sun shine brightly, but Crosby attended his first-ever beach fire. The S'mores ran wild and Crosby ate his fair share.

-Crosby's Dad

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Cruising About Eaglebrook

Crosby enjoys the casual stroll about the campus. First we ventured up the ski slope to the tipi which awed the young boy. Next a joint through the forest. Then we strolled past the lodge where Crosby feels he already knows how to duck through admissions. Finally, a sniff of the flowers and we called it a wrap. We look forward to visiting Granparents soon. Nana will be here in a week, and Grandma Carole and Papa Fay are coming mid-October. How lucky can Crosby get?

Crosby's Dad

Friday, September 17, 2010

New Duds, Same Tricks

Crosby has long loved brooms, and as his moose print sweater forebodes, autumn's leaves will soon carpet the fields leaving much to be swept and raked. Oh, how Crosby will love the Fall.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Best Pals

Life is full of precious moments, and once in a while they are captured in color. Thanks Ryan! Here Crosby sits with his best friend, Peter, as they watch the sun set over the Berkshires from their perch upon Infirmary Field.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor-less Day

It was a bit of good fortune that Earl turned east, the Petersons were married, South Pond was renter free, the Sun shone warmly, and the Fays were able to extend their Cape Cod summer a few days longer.

When's Halloween?

Jim Fay

Chris & Christina's Wedding

Crosby was pleased to offer his blessings for the wonderful couple, as well as surprised at how nicely his folks clean up!

Friday, September 3, 2010

The calm before the storm

Crosby and his folks took a morning beach stroll as we relaxed prior to the arrival of Earl. Keep bearing east, Mr. Earl, east.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Best Summer Ever

Truth be told, the finality of the CCSC summer and the return to Deerfield hit hard and hung heavy as we played on the beach a few hours prior to our departure. The sun was warm, however, and the water cool and calm. Crosby was aware of the mood as he strolled on the sand saying and waving, "Good-bye," to his playgound. How lucky he is - to be returning in 5 days.